What is inflorescence?
Inflorescence is the term given to the entire flower head of a plant. Grass plants, like most other plants, produce seeds within their flowers in order to reproduce. The flower heads of grass plants will tower above the surrounding grass plants to give them more chance of being transported to other areas of the lawn.
What does inflorescence look like?
The flower heads of grass plants vary in size and shape, but mostly have the same characteristics as seen in the pictures above.
Is it a problem?
No, it’s not a problem for the grass plant to grow seeds. It is a normal stage of the grass plant’s life and is a sign of a healthy lawn. It is common for people to start noticing inflorescence in the first year of instructing a professional lawn care service due to the increased access to nutrients and improved soil conditions.
However, inflorescence could also be a sign that potential problems may occur in the not-too-distant future. When plants feel threatened, they often go into survival mode. The sudden growth of seeds on grass plants can be a sign that the soil beneath the lawn is starting to dry out. This is most common in the spring and summer months. The grass plants react to this by producing seeds in an effort to relocate to a better (wetter) area. Following our watering advice will help to eliminate this problem.
The seed heads also take some time to grow and fully establish. Therefore, inflorescence could be a sign that the lawn is not being mown often enough. See our lawn mowing guide here.
How do I get rid of it?
Easy. Simply mow your lawn at the correct height. Some seeds may grow fairly low and within the sward. It is best to maintain a good lawn-mowing height. Removing the lower seeds is not necessary.
Is it a good idea to leave the grass plants to grow seeds?
Not really, because for the seeds to become viable (mature enough to grow), the lawn must not be cut for a long time. Leaving a lawn to grow then cutting it back down is not good for the overall health of the lawn.
We can replicate this process by overseeding our lawns in the autumn time. This is a far better method of maintaining a healthy lawn.