What is a WaterSave treatment?
A WaterSave treatment is a granular water management application. This advanced treatment helps your lawn manage the water in its soil zone more efficiently.
During the warmer, drier periods of the year, it will help your lawn to retain water. During the colder, wetter periods, it will help the water to flow through the soil, reducing excessive saturation—a problem commonly found in clay and compacted soil.
This means that your lawn should stay greener for longer during dry spells. The yellowing that we often see with over-saturated lawns will reduce too.
The application helps in the following ways:
- Without a WaterSave treatment, water will find it hard to penetrate soils that are prone to compaction. Instead, a lot of the water will evaporate or will run off the soil before it gets a chance to soak in. Compacted soils that have been allowed to dry out will often become hydrophobic. Hydrophobia is the term given to a material or substance that repels water. Once soil has become hydrophobic, no amount of watering or rain will improve it’s condition, and some form of intervention is required. A WaterSave treatment allows the water to soak into the soil in a more evenly distributed way.
- WaterSave holds the water around the root zone for a lot longer during dry spells. Without a WaterSave treatment, water will continue to flow down through the soil into areas that the grass plant’s roots cannot reach.
- WaterSave reduces the need for very frequent watering. For example, instead of watering your lawn every day during very dry periods, you could apply a WaterSave treatment and get the same effect from watering your lawn just once every three to four days.
- During the wetter months of the year, water can often sit around the root zone of the grass plants for too long, causing the grass plants to turn yellow. A WaterSave treatment will help manage the water around the root zone, reducing the potential for yellowing.
- WaterSave can help to reduce the effects of fairy rings and localised compaction by giving the grass plants access to water.
- If your lawn suffers from thatch, WaterSave treatments will help water flow freely through the thatch, allowing it reach and penetrate the soil.
When is the best time of year to apply a WaterSave treatment?
WaterSave treatments can be applied at any time of the year, but they are most effective when applied in spring, summer or autumn.
What do I need to do before a WaterSave treatment is applied?
If the ground is dry, water your lawn until the soil is wet to a depth of around half an inch. This usually takes about an hour of watering.
What do I need to do following a WaterSave treatment?
If there is no rain due in the 24 to 48 hours after we have applied the treatment, you should water your lawn in line with our watering advice.
We would also recommend not using the lawn until after it has been watered, whether it be from you watering it or from a good rainfall.