What is winter die-back? Winter die-back is a lawn problem that occurs mostly during the winter, but can occur during other seasons depending on the amount of rainfall. Your grass …
WHAT IS FUSARIUM? Fusarium is a fungal lawn disease caused by the fungus Microdochium nivale. The effects of the disease can be seen throughout the year, but mostly through the autumn/winter months. …
What are they? Mushrooms are the fruiting body (reproductive system) of fungus. Fungus is everywhere. Without it, we wouldn’t be able to survive. Amongst other things, fungus helps to break …
There are many reasons for a lawn to be experiencing sparse growth. Here are just a few examples to explain why your lawn might not be as thick as you …
What is moss? Moss is a non-flowering species of plant. It thrives in areas of shade and in a still atmoshphere. You might have heard of the phrase “a rolling …